


Concrete Laboratory

Properties of CEMENT and concrete are determined in concrete lab. Normal consistency gives the idea about the quality of selection of cement for a particular project. Fineness modulus of cement is related to initial and final setting time of decide the work rate of concreting and the curing.

Generally the cement having less initial setting time is not desirable since the primary bond which have been formed are broken away while concreting. Compressive & tensile strength determination of concrete is very important in design filed, without knowing the compressive & tensile STRENGTH OF CONCRETE a concrete structure or any component cannot be designed. Work-ability of concrete is also factor which should keep in mind while designing.

Soil Mechanics

Soil mechanics is a branch of civil that describes the behavior of soil. It differ from fluid mechanics and solid in sense that soil consist of heterogeneous mixture of fluids usually air and water and particles usually clay, silt, sand and GRAVEL.

There are structure that are supported on or made of soil or structure that are buried in soils like bridge foundation, RETAINING WALLS, dam system etc. so we need to know the engineering properties of soil. So we conduct laboratory tests to find out various engineering properties of soil.

Civil Engg. Department  
Nodal Officer for updation of Website - Mukesh Kumari (Programmer)   |   Last Updated on : 13-02-2025   |   Website content is only for information and not for legal purposes.
Nodal Officer of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Parveen Dabur (Lecturer)